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Kidoizumi Shuzo



Most of the Chiba prefecture lies on the hilly Boso Peninsula, a rice farming region, the east coast of which is known as the Ninety-Nine League Plain, an especially productive area. The Kuroshio (black salt) current flows around Chiba’s shores, which keeps it relatively warm in winter and cooler in summer than neighboring Tokyo. The Isumi area of Chiba, where Kidoizumi is located, is one of Japan’s most famous surfing spots. Kidoizumi was founded in 1897 and is currently run by 5th-Generation Kuramoto (Brewery President) and Toji (Master Brewer), Hayato Shoji. In 1957, Shoji’s family pioneered the development of the Hot-Yamahai method and is currently the only brewery in Japan that uses this technique. Traditionally, Yamahai is thought to be suitable only for cold places, as during the time it takes the natural lactobacillus to create enough lactic acid, harmful bacteria may have already invaded the Moto (starter). Cold conditions reduce the danger of contamination. However, with the Hot-Yamahai method, large amounts of lactobacillus cultivated on the premises are added to a starter kept at a very high temperature. The result is a unique, full-bodied, multi-layered taste. Because of the unique production method, it is a very stable sake once opened.


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